
Bangkit is a coaching program that aims to produce skilled digital talents in Indonesia. The program is supported by Google, GoTo, and Traveloka 1. Bangkit Academy is part of this program, which aims to train skilled digital talents for world-class tech companies and startups in Indonesia 1. The program has been recognized by President Jokowi and praised by Minister Nadiem Makarim (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology) 1.

To apply to Bangkit Academy, prospective participants must complete five registration stages 1. Upon completion of the registration stage, participants will get a Dicoding token for assessment purposes 1. After that, participants will be asked to register to the Kampus Merdeka platform 1. After completing all stages of registration, participants will wait for the announcement of the selection results 1.

Currently, the Bangkit program is very popular in Indonesia. According to the Directorate General of Higher Education, this program aims to prepare nine million skilled digital talents by 2030 2. This program is offered to students in all Indonesian universities to be able to implement Kampus Merdeka through independent studies/projects to gain competence in the field of technology 2.

What Project

There are several projects that I made to complete my internship at Bangkit.

  1. Kotlin Fundamental In the fundamental kotlin class, materials such as basic kotlin basics, logic, type data and others are given to understand the basics of kotlin.

  2. Android Beginner In the android beginner class, we are introduced to the basics of android, by making code clean, such as removing unused code, adding handlers such as toasts or alerts, and making the first submission with fake data.

  3. Android Fundamental In the fundamentals class, start learning mvvm architecture or model, view, view model. This usage aims to make it easier to use data and make the code tidier. Submission in this class is to create a github user application using the API that has been provided.

  4. Android Intermediate In the intermediate class, here the submission uses the rest API that has been provided as well, but there are shared preferences and data stores to remember the login session that the user has given. It also uses maps for the location of the story app that has just been created.

  5. Jetpack Compose The jetpack compose material here is where the introduction from native android to the compose library. Submissions are made using fake data.

  6. Simulation AAD For the AAD simulation material, this is the preparation if you get the prize to complete the AAD certification. There are 3 submissions, todo app, schedule and habbit app.