
Welcome to my first blog! Here, I will introduce the Hugo framework. Hugo is one of the most popular and powerful static website generators that can help you create websites that are fast, efficient, and easy to manage. Hugo is an open-source framework that is currently very popular among developers and programmers. Hugo developers also claim that Hugo is faster than other SSGs such as Jekyll, Middleman, and Octopress.

About HUGO
  • Hugo was first developed by Steve Francia in 2013. Then, in 2015, a team of developers led by Bjørn Erik Pedersen took over the development of Hugo and made major improvements in terms of features and performance.

  • Today, Hugo is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. One of the main advantages of Hugo is its speed, as well as its ease of use and configuration. Hugo Static Site Generator (SSG) has the ability to take a directory containing content and templates, and quickly generate a complete website in HTML format.

  • Hugo SSG uses the Markdown format for content files, which can also contain metadata on the front end. What makes Hugo SSG special is its ability to run from almost anywhere. This makes it well suited for shared hosting and environments where you don’t have special access rights. In fact, Hugo SSG is capable of rendering a medium-sized website in less than a second.


This is my first time using hugo. I was able to try hugo because hugo was recommended by my friend named “Firman Fathoni”, you can find it on github, this link is “" . besides that I also wanted to try hugo, because of the creation of a portfolio. so this portfolio was made because I gabut during my free time. maybe very rarely update, hehe.