
PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a backend as well as front end programming language used for website development.

PHP code is usually processed on a web server by a PHP interpreter implemented as an executable module, daemon, or Common Gateway Interface (CGI). On the web server, the result of the interpreted and executed PHP code - which can be any type of data, such as generated HTML or binary image data - will form the whole or part of the HTTP response. Various web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks are available that can be used to organise or facilitate the generation of such responses.

Why use PHP ?

In the past, I never thought why I should use PHP programming language. yes, because I don’t know what kind of programming language it is, to make a Hello World I’ve searched on google, and read so much but still don’t understand. until finally after understanding I misread the material it turns out, html is easy. But PHP is not bad either because the backend was using php when making CRUD for the first time.

Some factors for using PHP
  1. Low Complexity Level: PHP is very easy to learn, especially for web developers who already know HTML and JavaScript. Other programming languages, such as C++ or Java, have a higher level of complexity.

  2. Supports Various Database Types: PHP can access various types of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. This functionality allows developers to use the database that best suits their needs.

  3. Has a Full Set of Functions and Properties: PHP provides a wide range of built-in functions and properties to do various things, such as string, array, and date manipulation.

  4. Resource Efficiency: PHP is very efficient in using resources such as memory and CPU. Therefore, using PHP will improve the performance of a website or application.

  5. Wide Ecosystem: PHP has a very broad ecosystem, so many resources are available for developers to learn, discover tools, and develop new features.

  6. Flexibility and Scalability: With support for many different types of databases and external resources, PHP is highly flexible and scalable for applications that range from small to large.

My Project Using PHP

PHP Native

I build a small website using php and template for the website "Perpustakaan" and database using MySQL. You can visit my github to get the code In this library system there are several provisions in terms of making it, or the tasks given. Among others:

  1. Create with admin and user roles
  2. Users cannot borrow books online / ebooks
  3. Only Admin can add loan list in user
  4. Data addition can only be done by admin.

So this system is applied to the ofline library, but the book list can be seen online.

For documentation, please see below :

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