
Python is a programming language that is readable, creates simple code, and scales. Here are the advantages of Python:

Concise Expressions: Python allows concise expressions to create short and readable code.

Simple Syntax: Python’s easy-to-read syntax creates simple code and reduces the chances of errors.

Sustainability: Python is very popular and supported by many resources and communities. Therefore, it is easier to learn and seek help in case of problems.

Cross-Platform: Python can be run on various operating system platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Therefore, Python users don’t have to experience problems when running code on various operating systems.

Many Libraries and Modules: Python provides various libraries and modules that can be used to handle various things such as mathematics, databases, network communication, and data visualisation.

Open Source: Python is an open source programming language which means anyone can use it for free and contribute to its development.

Whats Project?

I’m actually not a python user, so I’m just doing this to make my coursework. I made a website that is inventory website or warehouse. I use Flask because it supports fire, which makes me think, do I make the fire too, but I undo it because there is no time. You can visit my github to get the source code

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