
Laravel is an open-source PHP framework inspired by Ruby on Rails. It is designed to make it easier for PHP developers to build highly popular applications, following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) concept commonly used in web application development.

Here are some of the important functionalities of Laravel:

  1. Database Connectivity: Laravel provides connectivity support to various databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. In addition, the framework also provides an easy-to-use Query Builder to perform data manipulation on the database.

  2. Building APIs: Laravel supports building RESTful APIs, where developers can create API endpoints that generate responses in JSON format. Laravel also provides automated help for pagination management, as well as support for various external libraries to ease the API authentication process.

  3. Authentication and Authorisation: Laravel provides complete support for implementing authentication and authorisation processes in web applications. This feature can be used to manage user identities, as well as manage the access rights of each user to application resources.

  4. Building Pagination and Eager Loading: Laravel supports pagination functionality that can be used to manage large amounts of data on web pages. In addition, the Eager Loading feature is also provided to optimise queries to the database, thus improving application performance.

  5. Other Requirements: In addition to the above features, Laravel also provides support for building applications that run on production-grade server environments. These features include debugging, caching, logging, and error handling.

  6. Integration with Other Software: Laravel allows incorporation with various software in the market today. With the help of ready-made modules, developers can implement various features in their applications without having to build them from scratch.

  7. Laravel Homestead: Laravel Homestead is a development environment specifically designed for Laravel. Homestead uses Vagrant, so users can create a development environment that is identical to the production environment on their local computer.

In terms of functionality, Laravel can handle various types of tasks well. Although it is sometimes called “lightweight” because it has a relatively smaller file weight than other frameworks such as Symfony, Laravel still offers a variety of features that are useful for building web applications and a complete API.

My Project Use

Different from others, I made a website with laravel for making my mobile application, which I used auth sanctum in laravel. For the mobile application you can see in the mobile application task using flutter. The development of this application itself was developed with a team, which contains 5 people. 3 as analysts and 2 developers and UI UX. for shortcomings there must be many because this task is a college assignment with a limited deadline. You can visit my github to get the code And for the front end application, the tim use framework flutter, Why we use flutter will be explained in the subsections below.

Laravel Framewok

We chose Laravel as the backend, due to several related factors.

  • My basic in PHP so the selection of the laravel framework on our backend application is simply because first is the basic of php. Not only my own selection, but this has been through mutual agreement. With a team composition that is more dominant in multimedia children, the backend business is left to me.

  • Advice from lecturer My lecturer suggested using several options, such as ci 4, firebase or laravel. I am not yet experienced in the ci 4 or laravel phase of the field, but I have held php native and ci 3, and to my mind laravel and ci 4 are only slightly different, therefore I chose laravel because it is more dominant in the market.

  • Laravel documentation is more compared to ci 4 which is fairly new, laravel documentation is more so it is easy to find solutions in terms of debugging.

I am still a beginner in the use of laravel but I will continue to develop, although there are many other programming languages that are simpler for the backend, I want to explore laravel first in my spare time, or in my spare time.

Flutter Framewok

Why did we choose flutter, when I personally have worked with ionic?

  • Lecture Assignment Yep, that’s right, because this is a college project so we follow the existing curriculum which must use the Flutter framework.

  • Trend. The use of Flutter has been widely used in large industries, so I think it is quite beneficial to use flutter for android development and add skills. And also dart as the basic programming language of flutter itself can be used as a backend.

  • Competent version Flutter itself is stable in its version, unlike ionic which is included in the typescript programming language. TS or Typescript language itself participates in the realm of node js. My last use of ionic was ionic 4, and when December 2022 when I wanted to explore ionic once again, I found a lot of problems in the installation, such as node js must be a certain version, for the latest version there are still obstacles … So I think it’s not bad to switch to flutter.

Although I tend to be in backend programming, but it does not rule out the possibility to continue to try other things such as mobile programming.

You can See The UI for Mobile in below, UI design is done by Rafi Rahmat Dani as UI Designer and Frontend Developer.

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For making applications, don’t forget that there must be ERD and Flowchart in a minimal context. So you can see the erd and flowchat below. For making Flowchart and ERD there are several people who are bound. Agil Satria Ancang Pamungkas Rafik Sandhi Asmara Zafira Aryani Putri Alt Text Alt Text

That’s it for the SewaIN e-marketplace creation part. There are still many bugs and flaws in the creation of this thing because all of us in the team are still beginners. Beginner does not mean that it cannot develop, precisely that this application can be developed and improved so that it is expected to be functional.

Structure Team

No Nama Nim Jobs
1 Agil Satria Ancang Pamungkas 21SA1160 PM, Backed Developer, Frontend Developer, User Testing
2 Rafi Rahmat Dani 21SA1194 UI Designer, Frontend Developer, User Testing
3 Rafik Akbar Sandi Asmara 21SA1103 Analysis, Frontend Developer, User Testing
4 Zhafira Aryani Putri 21SA1105 Analysis, Frontend Developer, User Testing
5 Risqi Aulia Rahman 21SA1122 Frontend Developer